3D Laser Scanning
Laser Scanning Equipment
3D Laser scanning is something that NDPP have considered for a while. We knew that it was time to expand the list of services to offer this service.. As a result, NDPP purchased a FARO Quantum S 2.5m 7 axis fitted with a FAROBlu HD Laser Line Probe and 8-Axis turntable.
Further information about our FARO Arm can be found here.
3D laser scanning uses the surface of the scanned object to create point clouds. Therefore, from these point clouds, measurements and comparisons can be easily made. Alternatively, the scan data can be used for reverse engineering and the creation of 3D models.
Using our FARO Arm we can scan tooling or products and compare the scan data with the original CAD model. An advantage of this is it is easy to identify areas of under or oversize. Furthermore, when 3D models are unavailable, we can use our FARO Arm to scan you part or tooling to accurately create the 3D model in our PolyWorks software. For instance, this is useful when tooling is old or has been extensively modified without the changes being documented.
For reference, our FARO arm can scan to an accuracy of 46 μm over 2.5m. Nevertheless, when we have conducted tests with a 100mm slip gauge, we received results of sub 10 μm.
If this service of interest, please get in touch.